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mailbox.org Guard is broken and there is no support

9886873 shared this problem 3 years ago

Hi. Mailbox.org Guard is fundamentally broken. When uploading your own keys there are errors popping up throughout the whole process and while you *think* your key wasn't uploaded, it was.

In any case, whatever mailbox.org Guard password you set up doesn't work later on, and you're left with a non-functional inbox in the webmailer, because you can't decrypt any of the mails.

The real problem however is that there is no support for a clearly broken system. I am not going to sign up for the 3 Euro/Month plan just because mailbox.org offers broken features. I could live the broken and messy webmailer, if at least there was support for this. However, hiding basic support for your own fuckups behind a paywall is simply unacceptable behavior for me and I am terminating my email account effective now.

This post hopefully servers as a warning sign for future customers.

Replies (1)


Our Guard works fine, so this looks like a singular issue.

In this specific case, please open up a ticket under https://help.mailbox.org and we'll look into this.

Many thanks!

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