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Unable to load mail filter rules settings.

Felix shared this problem 8 months ago

I tried to play around with filter scripts using the Kde Sieve Editor. Now the "Filter Rules" section of the Mailbox.org Settings doesn't work anymore (Settings => Mail => Filter Rules).
The only thing it shows, is an error message.

English: Unable to load mail filter rules settings. Retry

German: Einstellungen für Mailfilterregeln konnten nicht geladen werden. Erneut versuchen

The Error log shows an entry that seems to be related to this problem.

An error occurred inside the server which prevented it from fulfilling the request. (ID: -1677908634-5033275 / MAIL_FILTER-0015) 27/8/2023 20:47
Hide request body
"action": "list",
"flag": "autoforward",
"session": "<id>"

Is there an option to reset the filter rules to get this part of the Settings working again?

Replies (1)


Technical support told me, editing the filter rules with an external editor makes the editor in the web UI unusable.

The information shown in the web UI could be improved (so far it's the error message mentioned above) and the documentation could be as specific as the reply I got from technical support.

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