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Apple Notes for MacOS syncronization

Warner shared this question 5 months ago
Need Answer


Apple Notes syncs with my Mailbox account and the notes show up in the web portal view for mailbox.org as a folder called "Notes" within a section called "mailbox.org". So far so good.

Unfortunately the web view does not provide a user interface way to edit or add notes to this section, so I can see notes created by Apple Notes but not edit them outside of the Apple Notes app. I would like to sync these notes with another note app (I am using SilentNotes) on Windows. Unfortunately I do not know the folder URL for the Apple Notes. Is there a way to find it? I have tried a number of things including:


which allows sync for the SilentNote app, but is obviously not where the Apple Notes are stored. Could someone provide the folder URL for where Apple Notes stores notes on mailbox.org?


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