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Drafts and Trash folder names for offlineimap

6021455 shared this question 5 months ago
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I’m using OfflineImap to sync my mail. In its configuration file, I have set up a folderfilter to include the folders to be synced. The names I have to use for standard folders are not intuitive and I have not found a way to see them in the webapp. For example:

folderfilter = lambda foldername: foldername in ["INBOX", "Gesendete Objekte", "private1", "private2"...]

What name is to be used for the drafts folder? It is neither “DRAFTS” (as would be analog to INBOX) nor “Entwürfe” (as would be analog to “Gesendete Objekte”). Also, what is the name to be used for the trash folder?

Thanks for your help

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