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Calendar Event time zone issue

Bruno shared this problem 6 months ago

When I try to create a New Event in the calendar using email clients, the Event is rescheduled to one hour later automatically a few seconds after saving. The issue occurs for multiple email clients (Thunderbird, Fairmail, Apple mail). This seem to be a timezone issue on server side. I'm using São Paulo timezone utc-3 but the server seems to be using the old Brazilian Day light saving time zone utc-2.

Replies (1)


I'm having the same issue. When I try to add any calendar event from any client (Thunderbird, Simple Calendar for Android, Etar for Android) it is rescheduled to one hour later (i.e. 8:00 AM -> 9:00 AM) no matter how many times I edit the event and set the correct time.

I'm in Mexico City (UTC-6), and last year Daylight Saving Time was abolished for the majority of states in Mexico. I noticed that if I change my time zone from America/Mexico_City to some other UTC-6 region, like America/Guatemala, the issue no longer happens, so like @Bruno said, it seems to be an issue on the server side.

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