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retrieve expired account

test shared this question 7 months ago
Need Answer


I created an account for testing with my name like name@mailbox.org but let it expired the 30 day trial. 4 months latter still cannot recreate it (to become a Standard paying customer now) as it says it already exists. Putting the credentials I used in the trial says are not matching. My username is VERY unique so I know 100% no one else took it...

Did Mailbox.org changed it s policies and no longer removes trial accounts? If so, why no letting it log in with the old credentials?

One year ago I did create a trial for a customer, he let it expired and a month later we recreated with the same username into become a paying customer without any problems.

Replies (3)


I'm also having this problem


My trial account was created over a year ago and I still can't register the email again. How do i register it again?


Found out this on Mailbox.org' Settings...: "If an alias is deleted, it gets blocked for registration for 365 days."

So I presume it will apply for trial accounts too.... A bad policy if you ask me. I wanted to become a paying customer now but my name of choice is blocked for 6 more months... I will be looking elsewhere rather than picking a alternative username knowing mine choice will be available later on for someone else....

Trial accounts should not be kept blocked for 1 yr as aliases do... or the password should be still valid to log in and offer the subscription... or, the very least communicate the blocking for 1yr before expiring the trial!

Now, the Settings panel does allow to "Delete email addresses from the [365 days] blacklist" So it would be very easy to Mailbox.org to fix it without much programming or even on request.

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