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Unable to receive emails from services

Gobbler shared this problem 2 months ago

I recently created an mailbox.org account with the 'Light' tier. I am attempting to get my account set up with services such as Reddit and Discord. However, the verification emails from these platforms are not arriving. I am able to receive emails from my other personal email accounts. It should be noted that I am currently on the free trial, however this shouldn't make a difference according to the onboarding emails.

Replies (5)


Hi Gobbler,

while using our free trial account, we have certain limitations regarding inbound e-mails from certain providers, especially verifications mails. We do this to avoid abuse and to maintain a good reputation for our customers. As soon as we receive a deposit into your account, these restrictions will be immediatly lifted.

We would definitely be happy if you came to stay :)

Best regards from your mailbox.org-Team!


I recently started with a free trial too but ended up subscribing before the deadline and I like the service, though some settings are a bit complicated for beginners. I recommend it.


I have a Standard tarif. I do NOT receive e-mails from community@connect.mozilla.com, which is a pain. Fortunatelly my outlook account does.

Never the less I would very much appreciate if that issue is solved soon (as I want to get away from outlook ;) ).


Hi SiggiB,

please open a ticket with our helpdesk under https://support.mailbox.org

Our support-team will check this issue.

All the best

your mailbox.org-team


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