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Share calendar with another mailbox user

William shared this problem 5 months ago


I'm trying to set up a shared calendar with my partner who's also a paid user of mailbox.org, and we need to have it synced via DAV, in order to then sync it to our different devices using e.g DAVx5 on Android.

The problem is that my partner receives a link to the shared calendar, except it is not added to their own calendars. Instead they can only access it externally (on a share.mailbox.org subdomain) on a minimalist appsuite with only this calendar, even if logged in to their own account, as if they were just a guest.
As a result, this shared calendar is simply not listed in the "subscribe to a shared calendar" menu on my partner's side.

My suspicion is that the calendar sharing window does not recognize my partner as a mailbox.org user, despite having an @mailbox.org email address. This bielief is motivated by the share/permission view (attached picture) showing myself as an "internal user" and my partner as "Guest".

If this is indeed the reason, is there a way to tell the system that my partner is also an internal user ? FYI, I've added my partner to my address book, and when typing their name in the share window, they're listed as "external contact". I've also tried removing them from the address book and typing in the full email in the invite field.
Otherwise, am I misunderstanding how to set up a shared calendar ?

This situation is unfortunate because if we cannot share a calendar together we'll have to move to another online calendar provider and I'll likely move all my calendars as well so that they're not spread all over different providers.

EDIT: I went to attempt a similar setup on the demo appsuite at the Open-Xchange website (https://try-gold.ox.io/) and it seems to be working as intended there, i.e when sharing a new calendar with someone from the address book (demo contacts), they are correctly listed as internal users and not guests.


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OK I think I understand. My partner is listed as guest because we do not belong to a common "group". For groupware features, we need a Team Mail account, meaning my partner's account had to be created as a team mail account from the start and from my own account (and then with either joint or separate billing).

I can understand why it has to be this way from a technical standpoint in hindsight, but the problem is we were unaware of these subtleties when we both created our accounts. Now it feels like it's a bit too late since our accounts are well established, unless getting help from customer support, if they even can do something about it, technically speaking.

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