OS X drive instructions unclear
I currently use mailbox.org for email on APPLE mail ios.
I installed the OX X drive on my iphone and Ipad. I enabled the drive and looked forward to seeing my mail in FILES. But nothing.
Something tells me that there is a missing instruction. I am guessing we need to have something called OS APP Suite. But no instructions how to get this. When I search I find it but no pricing info.
I wish the mailbox.org help would mention this. They only mention is that photos does not work on ios.
I am interested in this because mailbox.org has no app. And I wanted to find an alternative to Apple Mail that allows me to use my mailbox.org aliases.
Thank you.
Paul Arenson, Japan
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Any suggestions?
Any suggestions?
Does “proposed mean the topic is not active??? I can’t understand what proposed means.
Does “proposed mean the topic is not active??? I can’t understand what proposed means.
Hello and thank you for your post. This is a userforum, that means that our users are helping each other. Our helpdesk will gladly assist you. You can reach the helpdesk here: https://support.mailbox.org.
As to your question: the OX Drive app does not support e-mails, only files. To synchronize e-mails you will need to use another app. Here you can find more information about the Apple Mail app with mailbox.org:
And here you can find more information on how to use an alias with the Apple Mail app.
"Proposed" in this context means that you have posted your question in the "Ideas" category and have therefore proposed that idea. But it is active and publicly accessable.
With kind regards
Your mailbox.org team
Hello and thank you for your post. This is a userforum, that means that our users are helping each other. Our helpdesk will gladly assist you. You can reach the helpdesk here: https://support.mailbox.org.
As to your question: the OX Drive app does not support e-mails, only files. To synchronize e-mails you will need to use another app. Here you can find more information about the Apple Mail app with mailbox.org:
And here you can find more information on how to use an alias with the Apple Mail app.
"Proposed" in this context means that you have posted your question in the "Ideas" category and have therefore proposed that idea. But it is active and publicly accessable.
With kind regards
Your mailbox.org team
Thank you. I appreciate the response. I also wrote similarly to support but now I understand my info was wrong.
In face, I already use MAIL in ios, but I do not like it for UI reasons. I was looking for another app that has that.
For example, inMAIL I can delineate several reply-from addresses for each account (see attached). I have to check if other apps allow this. Thank you!
Thank you. I appreciate the response. I also wrote similarly to support but now I understand my info was wrong.
In face, I already use MAIL in ios, but I do not like it for UI reasons. I was looking for another app that has that.
For example, inMAIL I can delineate several reply-from addresses for each account (see attached). I have to check if other apps allow this. Thank you!
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