Cannot receive email at my custom domain even after 48 hours
I configured my custom domain about 48 hours ago, but I have not received any of my test emails. I sent them from a Protonmail and Gmail accounts.
Another user had a similar problem, but it resolved itself. What could be my issue?
No connection
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DNS zone have a definied caching time (TTL - time to live). Today it's mostly set to 1 day, but in the old time 1 week was common. Have a look into your TTLs (or tell me which domain, then I'll do it for you). During TTL, other DNS servers are allowed to cache the (old) entries, so changes might become visible very late.
DNS zone have a definied caching time (TTL - time to live). Today it's mostly set to 1 day, but in the old time 1 week was common. Have a look into your TTLs (or tell me which domain, then I'll do it for you). During TTL, other DNS servers are allowed to cache the (old) entries, so changes might become visible very late.
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