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Suggestion: allow configuring an auto-delete after X days and auto-archival after X days per folder

k234525 shared this idea 18 days ago

I want to suggest to allow configuring an auto-delete after X days and auto-archival after X days per folder. A good use case are high frequency mailing lists, where for storage reasons alone it may not make much sense to store them for longer than 4-6 weeks. Another one might be monitoring mails.

There currently seems to be a per-folder auto-archival after a fixed 90 days, but 1. this doesn't seem to allow instantly permanently deleting the e-mail to free the storage, and 2. it doesn't allow entering a custom amount of days.

Thunderbird and other mail clients already have this feature, but many mobile clients don't, also some people use the web UI exclusively.

Replies (1)


Like this idea! I was just looking to see if I could apply auto-delete after 30 days with the filter rules but don't see that is possible.

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