Vjournal standard
DAVx5 now supports vJournal files to CalDAV servers. Does Mailbox.org support vJournal?
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To give a bit more context on this proposal: the vJournal and vTodo parts of the iCalendar standard can be used by apps like jtx Board https://jtx.techbee.at/sync-with-davx5 to provide a fully integrated journal, notes and todo app backed by the CalDAV server.
To give a bit more context on this proposal: the vJournal and vTodo parts of the iCalendar standard can be used by apps like jtx Board https://jtx.techbee.at/sync-with-davx5 to provide a fully integrated journal, notes and todo app backed by the CalDAV server.
I too would be highly pleased if this could be used.
At the moment it throws back some 403:Forbidden code.
Is there any plan to implement this?
I too would be highly pleased if this could be used.
At the moment it throws back some 403:Forbidden code.
Is there any plan to implement this?
Same here. I want to condense my various note apps to JTX Board and have it sync with Mailbox. I uninstalled JTX because I got error 403 kickback.
@mailbox, please add support for vjournal so we have a wider selection of clients we can sync to your servers with!
Same here. I want to condense my various note apps to JTX Board and have it sync with Mailbox. I uninstalled JTX because I got error 403 kickback.
@mailbox, please add support for vjournal so we have a wider selection of clients we can sync to your servers with!
Would also like to see an implementation of vJournal, I'd love to use jtx board with mailbox.org.
Would also like to see an implementation of vJournal, I'd love to use jtx board with mailbox.org.
Same here, I would really appreciate if it was possible to sync notes to mailbox.org using jtx board.
For me it wouldn't be crucial to also have a web frontend to view and edit notes (though it would be nice).
Same here, I would really appreciate if it was possible to sync notes to mailbox.org using jtx board.
For me it wouldn't be crucial to also have a web frontend to view and edit notes (though it would be nice).
Same here.
Same here.
I would also welcome this very much! This would also fit your concept of being open to creative and new solutions, such as opentalk.eu - great thing!
I would also welcome this very much! This would also fit your concept of being open to creative and new solutions, such as opentalk.eu - great thing!
+1 from us for jtx board compatibiity with mailbox.org
+1 from us for jtx board compatibiity with mailbox.org
Das wäre klasse wenn JTX board mit mailbox funktionieren.würde
Das wäre klasse wenn JTX board mit mailbox funktionieren.würde
Warte auch schon lange darauf.
Vielleicht gibt es ja eine Möglichkeit.
Warte auch schon lange darauf.
Vielleicht gibt es ja eine Möglichkeit.
VJOURAL support would bei really gerat. +1
THX! :)
VJOURAL support would bei really gerat. +1
THX! :)
I think mailbox.org uses OXchange as a backend, so it should probably added there :)
DAVx5 has worked around the 403 error a few months ago, so at least you can use tasks sync of jtx board.
VJOURNAL support would be awesome of course. At least saving stuff should be not too hard. I doesnt need to have a frontend (would be cool though :D).
I think mailbox.org uses OXchange as a backend, so it should probably added there :)
DAVx5 has worked around the 403 error a few months ago, so at least you can use tasks sync of jtx board.
VJOURNAL support would be awesome of course. At least saving stuff should be not too hard. I doesnt need to have a frontend (would be cool though :D).
Vjournal would be great! :)
Vjournal would be great! :)
VJournal support please.
VJournal support please.
Yes please, for JTX Board
Yes please, for JTX Board
AS a JTX Board user: yes, please support Vjournal
AS a JTX Board user: yes, please support Vjournal
Yes please implement VJournal, would be awesome!
Yes please implement VJournal, would be awesome!
I would also love VJournal support, please
I would also love VJournal support, please
Yes, please!!
Yes, please!!
Ja bitte, muss jezt einen eigenen server dafür aufrichten mweh
Ja bitte, muss jezt einen eigenen server dafür aufrichten mweh
Another one requesting support for VJournal please!
Another one requesting support for VJournal please!
Bin auch sehr dafür! Hab gleich mal nachgeschaut, wo VJOURNAL implementiert ist, gibt schließlich viele Server implementierungen, die iTIP vollständig implementieren. Ich kann nur nicht beurteilen ob diese sich ohne weiteres in OXchange integrieren lassen. Selbst wenn nicht, wäre ein zusätzlicher CalDAV Service möglich, z.B. auf Basis von Cyrusmap, als experimentelles Opt-In ohne Support. Ansonsten brauch es einen Feature Request an Open-Xchange...
Gibt es hier denn irgendeinen Fortschritt seitens Mailbox.org?
Bin auch sehr dafür! Hab gleich mal nachgeschaut, wo VJOURNAL implementiert ist, gibt schließlich viele Server implementierungen, die iTIP vollständig implementieren. Ich kann nur nicht beurteilen ob diese sich ohne weiteres in OXchange integrieren lassen. Selbst wenn nicht, wäre ein zusätzlicher CalDAV Service möglich, z.B. auf Basis von Cyrusmap, als experimentelles Opt-In ohne Support. Ansonsten brauch es einen Feature Request an Open-Xchange...
Gibt es hier denn irgendeinen Fortschritt seitens Mailbox.org?
A broad support for the open DAV-based standards would be great. Would love to hear something from Mailbox on this matter.
A broad support for the open DAV-based standards would be great. Would love to hear something from Mailbox on this matter.
Peer is too busy drinking champagne and counting money from EU digital sovereignty initiatives to make any improvements to the email service. He says in another thread he's disappointed with OX but will drink wine with them at conferences. Two years and no dark mode, doesn't keep up with DAV standards. Such a joke webmail provider. Just sleeping on their previous laurels.
Peer is too busy drinking champagne and counting money from EU digital sovereignty initiatives to make any improvements to the email service. He says in another thread he's disappointed with OX but will drink wine with them at conferences. Two years and no dark mode, doesn't keep up with DAV standards. Such a joke webmail provider. Just sleeping on their previous laurels.
Would be great to get a reply. As a jtx board user this would make me very happy!
Should we start another thread since this one has gotten rather polemic a few posts above this one?
Would be great to get a reply. As a jtx board user this would make me very happy!
Should we start another thread since this one has gotten rather polemic a few posts above this one?
As a new user I followed your guides on how to set up jtx board to access tasks. At first I was wondering why journal and notes does not get synced until I dived a little bit deeper and gained some more know-how.
Would be a very cool feature to add vjournal to also support journal and notes :)
So as some people before me I wanted to ask what's the current status on this feature. Didn't find an official answer if it will be supported or not, or if it is even considered about thinking to be integrated.
Can you please share your current opinion on this topic?
As a new user I followed your guides on how to set up jtx board to access tasks. At first I was wondering why journal and notes does not get synced until I dived a little bit deeper and gained some more know-how.
Would be a very cool feature to add vjournal to also support journal and notes :)
So as some people before me I wanted to ask what's the current status on this feature. Didn't find an official answer if it will be supported or not, or if it is even considered about thinking to be integrated.
Can you please share your current opinion on this topic?
Another vote to support JtxBoard. I know, that most people feel bad about the state of task management, even in the year of 2025. It seems, that with the right backend implementation JtxBoard could be a solution.
Another vote to support JtxBoard. I know, that most people feel bad about the state of task management, even in the year of 2025. It seems, that with the right backend implementation JtxBoard could be a solution.
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